Stewardship and Giving

Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. (Matthew 6:21)

Giving to the Cathedral Parish

God has blessed us in many ways. In return, we express our faith with a grateful portion of treasure that He has entrusted in us.

We thank you for considering making a gift to our Cathedral Parish of St. Joseph. There are a variety of options you may use to make a gift.

Financial Gifts 

Monetary gifts should be made with a check, in order to allow proper credit and recording, dropped into the Sunday collection basket or sent to the Parish Office. We can provide you with personalized envelopes to use in making your donations at Mass.

Even better, we highly recommend that you use your bank's "Bill Pay" feature to set up an automatic payment from your checking account to us every month. This service costs you nothing and the Parish gets every penny of your donation. Should we move to accept credit cards or should you authorize us to make withdrawals from your account, a percentage of the transactions would end up going to the bank!


Matching Gifts 

Many companies will match charitable donations that are made by their employees.  If your company has such a program, you only need to arrange for the matching gift form from your employer to be sent with your donation to the Cathedral.


Planned Giving 

There are several different ways to make a planned gift to the Cathedral. Your financial advisor can assist you in setting this up! Some frequently used ways to help in planned giving are below:

~ a bequest in your will or living trust
~ a gift of appreciated stocks 
~ a life insurance policy
~ an annuity


Other Giving

Special donations are also welcome, whether these are memorial gifts in honor of departed loved ones or living persons you wish to honor by your gift. You can sponsor the flower arrangements for our weekend and special event Masses. The "sanctuary lamp" in church often is sponsored by a generous family or friend. Our "Building and Maintenance" funds exist solely to ease the burden of keeping our venerable Cathedral building and all of Cathedral Square beautiful and in good repair! And finally, have you ever considered helping us with the cost of things like altar linens, furniture, vestments, vessels, or statuary used in church?

Our pastor, Father Cary Bani, and the Parish's Director of Administration Mrs. Lorie Kocsrowski, will be happy to answer all of your general financial questions, and is ready to help with setting up a schedule of automatic donations directly to us from your own bank account, or with other ways to give. Just email her here at or telephone 225-387-5928. Remember, God loves a cheerful giver!