The Sacraments

Each of the seven sacraments is an outward sign of an special grace.

Rite of Infant Baptism

Scheduling Baptism

Expecting parents should contact the Parish Office ( or 225-387-5928) as soon as possible. They are required to attend a pre-baptismal parents' seminar and then schedule the date and time for the baptism of their child.

The following are general guidelines and pre-requisites for the scheduling of an infant baptism:

  • Infant baptism is typically scheduled immediately after one of the Masses on the weekend. It may be celebrated during Mass if requested. Please remember that other scheduled events may make it impossible to schedule one's first choice of date and time.
  • The child to be baptized is given a godparent, an example of Catholic faith who must be at least 16 years old and has received the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and eucharist. Two Catholic godparents are permissible, one of each gender. While not able to be a godparent, a baptized non-Catholic may be admitted to be an official witness to the baptism. (Please note that both a godparent or official witness, in order to be an exemplary Christian, must worship each week, and if married be in a union recognized as valid by the Church.)
  • There is no fee for infant baptism, but as always a donation to the Cathedral Parish is requested and welcome to help defray maintenance, utilities and insurance costs. Parents are also free to give an additional offering to the priest or deacon who administers the sacrament.
  • An official baptismal certificate is provided to the parents after the ceremony.

Children who are older than seven years of age typically are prepared either with family members or peers in an appropriate but individualized program of formation within the Parish R.C.I.A. process. Please contact the Parish Office to explore what is done in any unusual circumstance.


Pre-Baptismal Parents' Seminar

Parents preparing for the baptism of a child are reminded that they MUST participate in a pre-baptismal parents’ seminar; we recommend attendance early in the pregnancy, when it is far more comfortable for the mother-to-be! Prospective godparents are always welcome to attend as well.

We use an online version of the pre-baptismal parents' seminar, and you can receive the link when you register by calling (225) 387-5928 or by sending an email to

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